Welcome to my site!

I’m Shelley, the photographer.  I’ve enjoyed photography all my life.  I received my first camera in the third grade and was addicted from that day forward.  (that has been over 35 years ago, eeak)  In High School, I photographed for the Yearbook, school newspaper, sports programs AND photographed my first weddings.  I received an Associates in Art degree from Spoon Rive College and a Bachelors degree in Photography from SIU-C.  I am currently a member of the Associated Professional Photographers of Illinois (APPI) and Professional Photographers of America (PPA).  I enjoy spending time with my husband, Colin.  We’ve been married for 25+ years.  He usually helps me when I photograph on location or at a wedding. He’s been helping me photograph weddings since before WE were married.  I also enjoy spending time with my daughter, Keara.  She’s 18, she runs track, shoots archery and is beautiful.  I am also one of her 4H leaders and of course, her biggest fan.

I have always loved photography, always carry a camera, take lots of pictures of school events, especially any sport that my daughter or her friends are involved in.  I scrapbook, since I am an “overshooter” I am way behind of my albums, but it’s great fun and I’m making family heirlooms.  I also photograph professionally: Children, Families, High School Seniors, and the occasional wedding.  I also will do special occasion photography, I have photographed numerous corporate events, birthday parties, anniversary parties etc. By the way, I am a Traditional Photographer, I would rather do my job with my camera, not so much with my computer.

This website, when it is finished, will showcase some of my work and probably some family snapshots as well.  Hope you enjoy.

I do work freelance, out of my home studio.  Please email me for more information regarding pricing or appointments.


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